The owner is a musician and music aficionado. He was very hospitable and we had good talks about blues, jazz and shared our love for the music. The venue hosts live music regularly and the food is good. A great place to come with friends and enjoy the atmosphere. It’s located right next to the Zhudong train station and parking is convenient if you’re driving.
舒適的環境 適合公司聚會辦活動
我覺得老闆超強 音樂很棒 都是我愛的
舒適的空間、好喝的調酒、好聽的音樂,竹東有這樣一個可以聚會的地方我很開心,也讓當地許多團體有了表演的機會👍 …
菜單收下,不謝。 …
Chill and nice please to take a rest
The owner is a musician and music aficionado. He was very hospitable and we had good talks about blues, jazz and shared our love for the music. The venue hosts live music regularly and the food is good. A great place to come with friends and enjoy the atmosphere. It’s located right next to the Zhudong train station and parking is convenient if you’re driving.